Yesturday, we've decided to go to the mountain for the first time this year to enjoy the beautiful fresh snow with the kids. I was super excited to see my little baby girl's expression when she sees the snow for the first time.
She was surprise to see something so white and unusually cold. Coming from Hawaii just little less then 2 weeks ago and her enjoying the warm sand all over, she wasn't quite sure what to do with with the cold, fluffy thing called snow.
Erika on the other hand, couldn't get enough of it. Sliding down the hills, being bulled in her sled by Charles (our dog) and making snow angels. She didn't want to leave even after we've spend a good half a day up there. But a warm cup of hot cocoa made the day for her.
Pok-A-Dot Hats -$25 were my last addition to the Element Boutiue. The idea came to me, while I ran across some pok-a-dot scrapbooks paper. These hats are 100% Cotton and made to fit perfect. They are also unisex, due to the color. I can customize them to match any of there munchkins outfits. More design and colors are soon to come.